Key Features

Ecosphera's innovative platform offers a suite of features designed to streamline the CO2 declaration process :

Real time ERP

Automate data collection directly from your ERP system for precise emission tracking.

Supplier Declaration Requests

Easily request and answer CO2 footprint declarations, ensuring comprehensive scope 3 emissions measurement.

Full Data Control

Review, accept, or deny declaration data to maintain integrity and compliance in your sustainability reporting.

Detailed Emissions Breakdown

Access emissions data by product, including all emission factors by plant and raw material, EPD files, and ISO certifications.

Benefits at a Glance

For clients
  • Gain insightful control over your scope 3 footprint with full access to supplier emissions data.
  • Enhance sustainability reporting and compliance with accurate, ERP-integrated CO2 data.
For supplier
  • Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability by providing detailed CO2 emissions data.
  • Streamline the declaration process with an easy-to-use platform designed for transparency, confidentiality and efficiency.

Why Ecosphera?

Ecosphera stands at the forefront of sustainable supply chain management by offering:

User-friendly platform

A robust, user-friendly platform tailored for the complexities of CO2 emissions tracking.

Collaborative environment

A collaborative environment where clients and suppliers work together towards a more sustainable future.

Real-time insights and KPIs

Real-time insights and KPIs to guide your sustainability strategy and reporting.

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Ready to take the next step?

Our team is here to guide you through the onboarding process and answer any questions you might have. Visit our "Contact Us" section to get more information.

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